22 april 2014

my self esteem: too high for working properly

  • Me on my wedding day:you still like me right

it's a metapod, see
(im gonna go to hell)
(this movie/book though <3)

seven days without a pun makes one weak

if you listen closely you can hear all the plants and bugs talking shit about you

do you ever just get a vibe that someone has a crush on you and then you’re not sure if they actually do or if you’re just really really self-absorbed


*puts teeth between metaphor* its a cigarette
tkr synd om alla som int vet varifrån det här är XD

My sister forgot how to say “turn up the volume” so she said “zoom in on the sound”

waah ja fucking älskar nick <3

when you type ‘tanks’ instead of ‘thanks’:

i’m tasteless but so is water and we all need that

the hardest part about breaking up with someone is it’s like you’re breaking up with their pets too.
omg helt klart det jag sörjde mest XD

It’s a metaphor, see: you hold a pen with your homework in front of you, but you don’t do it, you don’t give it the power to do its killing

I embarrass myself infront of myself

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